Here's a testimonial from a happy patron...
"You and my husband made me cry this morning. That painting is unbelievably fantastic. I pray that your Christmas is as blessed as you have made mine. All I can say is -AWESOME. Thank you so much"
I know I've mentioned this event previously. The reason why is because, it's a big deal! You ask, "Why?" I'll make you a short list.
1. If you've been fortunate enough to price yourself up and out of the market of collectors that used to be able to afford your art, this is a way to keep them involved in your career. Giclees are much more affordable.
2. Giclees are ideal for the surrealist, photo-realist and hyper-realist painters who can't produce a large volume of art and also can't sell their works at lower prices. The time it takes to produce those styles of art are very labor intensive, thus demand higher prices. Giclees keep a cash flow while you continue to paint.
3. You've moved you stylically, but you still have request for that previous style of painting. You'd rather cut your wrist than paint another sunset or tobacco barn, giclees are the perfect reproduction process to satisfy the market demand.
4. You're a computer generated artists, you get less respect than an abstract painter. Folks, don't just say, "my kid can do that." They say, "my grandma does that on her Dell desk-top to relax." Giclees on higher quality papers in larger sizes have more creditiblity. It won't look like you print off your little Epson printer or from Kinko's. Sorry, if that was a little harsh, just keeping it real.
5. Giclees can make you lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$. Is that simple enough?
Check Damon and Stephen out!!!
VAE August Artists' Night: Fine Art Giclée Prints with Damon Rando of Artful Color, Inc. Damon Rando of Artful Color, Inc. ( will give a talk entitled "The Art & Science of Fine Art Giclée" on Tuesday, August 18 at 7pm at Visual Art Exchange (325 Blake Street, Raleigh, 27601).
Damon writes, "Whether it's hard economic times or good times, artists are usually looking for a way to expand the market for their work. Many artists are now producing high quality prints through the giclée process to expand the availability of their work and produce a lower cost alternative to originals. This presentation will cover both the technology and the business of selling giclée prints. In addition to knowledge gained by Artful Color over the years in this business, artists will share their own personal experience."